Friday, August 7, 2009

Status Update

Wow, 208 posts. That's craziness.

So what's the status update? Well, let me tell you. For a little while it looked like I would get no sleep whatsoever because Adam refused to sleep at night. That was the first night. Then the second night he slept quite a bit more during the night and last night he only woke up once for a feeding and changing and then it was back to sleep until 7 in the morning.

Annie was most definitely NOT like that.

So how else do they differ? Well, Annie didn't lift her head for a very long time or show any motivation to go anywhere. If you put her down on her stomach she would stay on her stomach with a "meh" kind of attitude only to be super pissed seconds later because when you're on your stomach, EVERYTHING is exercise. A baby does this thing called the Superman where they lift their head, arms and legs off the floor while keeping their belly on the floor.

Give it a shot and you can see why they would be pissed. Their brain wants to do this and their body needs to be trained to. The good thing is it requires nothing from parents other than putting them on the floor.

Like I said earlier, Annie didn't sleep through the night or close to it for a long time too. I think this may have had something to do with Kim and me though since we were both wicked stressed because a baby is a huge change to life and we weren't really ready to let it go right then. This impacted our marriage and there was some stress in the house. And Kim had wicked post partum depression. But the stress is gone and this time around Kim's fine depression-wise.

I was so freaking excited about Adam waking up only once (this means he also didn't wake up playing the Nook game which is where the pacifier falls out of their mouth and they grunt and moan and eventually cry for it back only to lose it mere seconds after you put it back in their mouth. This game was not played last night by HIS choice, not mine) that I practically SPRANG out of bed saying my little rockstar slept almost all the way through the night AND let me sleep to a decent hour. How about that, I'm going to buy you a guitar.

I already had the guitar picked out too. A Gretsch Corvette.

I've been giving this some thought, buying the kids a guitar. At first I was thinking a Telecast because they're strong guitars, but a Corvette isn't exactly fragile. They're light, with fairly thin necks and short scales so while it may be easier to fret than, say, a Tele, it wouldn't lead to a dependence on a kid-size guitar.

So I'm thinking both will get guitars if they show interest in it. I know Annie's showing interest and if she still has that interest by age three where she can understand not to poke the strings that are sticking out at the headstock and avoid cutting herself, I'll get her one and even try to track down one made in the same month and year that she was born.

Same with Adam.

I may get one for myself too. That way they can say they play a guitar just like Daddy.

And your very first new Dad tip:

Sleep with a shirt on. I know it's all the rage to go to bed bare-chested but with kids there are two things you want to wear to bed: pants and a shirt. Most importantly a shirt. Your baby will be puking and snotting and all that on your chest during midnight feedings (if you're doing the bottle thing). It's best for that to go into the shirt and then just change your shirt instead of on your chest where no matter how hard you scrub with a towel the feeling of its presence just won't go away.


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