Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Alright, everyone, settle down. Lots to go over today.

1) I was published in the October issue of Vintage Guitar. I’m pretty pleased about it, not only because I’m helping out a charity and actually lending more credence to it by getting it published in a major publication which makes people that approve grants more likely to approve but because I finally achieved my dreams of writing for a magazine, limited though it was.

How limited? About one hundred words limited. It was painful to write so little after I had just gotten done writing so much on my own for the blog that led VG to agree to the article.

I’m not complaining though, I was published in a magazine which would have been enough, but I was published in a GUITAR magazine which has always been a dream of mine.

I’m pretty proud.

2) I’ve added a guitarist to my crazy list. I’ll share more about this at a later date, don’t worry. You don’t think I’d keep YOU in the dark, right?

3) The angry whopper. It’s not so angry. It’s actually pretty good. Kim says she was able to work through half of one before giving up and going to chicken nuggets. I say she eats like a girl!

4) I have a target audience of one for the 5th Fret. I just wanted to write and say that when I write for the Fret, I’m basically writing with this person in mind and because they’re so dang cool, smart, funny, caring, etc, hopefully everyone else can enjoy it. I think it’s working. To that one person: you’re awesome. I don’t even know if they read the Fret (or this blog for that matter) but they should feel good knowing they’re who I imagine I’m writing to every time. It helps keep me in line.

5) That’s about it, I guess. I did want to say I’m grateful for the friends that I have because sometimes I feel like certain members of my family are a great big letdown. Of course I can’t say WHO just in case one of them is reading (they like to talk to each other), and tons will claim we’re family and need to stick together no matter what. I disagree. I think there’s a breaking point and a couple are teetering dangerously close to it and like Everclear’s “Santa Monica” I’ll want to move on to something better (though I won’t be attempting suicide by jumping off the Santa Monica Pier like Art Alexakis did).

6) OK, one more. The results of my recent promotion test come out tomorrow. We're well beyond jinxing it so I'm not worried about putting the information out there. Last time I took I had a distinct feeling when I looked at every single multiple choice question and it was "Well, I have no F'ing clue which one to pick." This time I only felt that way about two of the four possible answers so hopefully enough well-placed stabs in the dark will end up tacking another stripe to my arm. I certainly hope so. The money would be welcome.

That's it!

Until next time!

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