Monday, August 24, 2009

Roto Rooter

Rooting is a thing that infants do where they're looking for something with the only thing they actually know they have: their mouth. It freaks me out. I'm sure I'm the onyl one though because that's what people tell me. There's just something about a baby that doesn't know he has arms and legs yet squirming around on my chest, mouth open and searching for either his bottle or his nuk (pacifier and pronounced "nook"). It reminds me of aliens or bad guys from Doom 3.

I don't really mind though. Yeah, it freaks me out, but I'll get over it.

But last night, he was rooting around in his pack and play where he sleeps ALL night long grunting and whining and the onyl time he was quiet was when Kim fed him, I held him, or when I finally lulled him into sleep for about an hour. Apparently I'm a very sleep-inducing guy when I want to be.

All night.

In the long run, one night isn't a lot, so I'm not really looking for "you're overreacting" or anything, I just felt this frustration that comes with little sleep and is somehow attached to wearing the most uncomfortable uniform possible the next day on a Monday and running out of soda.

So I'm not complaining too much here, it's just a bad night of non-existant sleep. I feel worse for Kim though since she sleeps next to Adam and therefore the grunting is louder.

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