Thursday, March 12, 2009

Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days where you think "if I just get through today, I'll be fine?"

Today's one of those days, but more importantly, this year is one of those years.

There's a lot of change coming this year in my personal life and while happy and excited for every bit of it, I can't help but feel a bit apprehensive too. I mean, come on, change - even when good - is still change and most times change takes some getting used to. When you first have a kid, there might be a few minutes/hours/days/months before you feel like a parent. You're just adjusting to the change of being a parent.

Hopefully that moment of feeling comes to you eventually though.

So right now, I'm a bit nervous and excited but so much of this year is wondering what's coming NEXT year and next year is when some big changes are official. This year is just a countdown more or less.

Besides my Peanut. That's happening this year at the end of July actually. I'm pretty stoked.

Tons of stuff on the horizon! It's a beautiful scenery! I hope it doesn't turn into a raging 15 year torrent of rain and misery!

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