Monday, March 30, 2009

A Noble Attempt

If you’re reading this, that means you’ve reached the end of the well of blogs I had built up to cover the time that I am deployed.

When you think about it though, it wasn’t that bad. I came back to Georgia in mid January, and started writing and today is the 9th of February. So if today’s February 9th and that isn’t the date that this blog came out, that’s pretty great, right? In the past month I’ve built up more than a month into the future AND published at least one blog per day, so I don’t think I’m doing too bad.

Unfortunately, I didn’t do good ENOUGH and as a result, you’re reading this.

I apologize to you.

Apparently, even though I can blog quite a bit, I’m not nearly as verbose as I thought I was.

Oh well. I’ll come back eventually and get this ball rolling again.

I just hope you’ll come back too.

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