Saturday, March 7, 2009

KFC's Amazing Employees

How often do I post links in my blog? Not very often. I’d say a pretty amazing story would need to come through for me to link to it for your pleasure.

This is one of those articles. Go ahead and read it. I’ll wait.

That’s GROSS, eh? Not the fact that girls had been bathing in the sink but that they would want to bathe in a sink that others use to wash dishes or even prepare food in.

The garbage disposal in my kitchen sink often pushes up food that had been theoretically disposed of through the disposal. The dishwasher does something or other and it freaks out the sink and up comes all sorts of nastiness. But that nastiness is just food, food that I had eaten (well, not the EXACT food that I had eaten) so how gross could it be?

It’s still pretty gross and I don’t think the idea would EVER pop into my head naturally that MAYBE I should bathe in it.

You know who WOULD think of that?

Gross people.

Also, did you know that ladies are not supposed to take bubble baths as there has been a correlation shown between bubble baths and UTIs? So, if bubble – soap essentially – isn’t supposed to be in the bath with you, how good would all the stuff in THIS sink be?

The idea makes me shudder.

And yeah, maybe I shouldn’t post a blog like this because it reflects poorly on KFC (and Burger King too) BUT I think this blog SHOULD be posted and EVERYONE should either read it here, or tell their friends, send out mass emails, make phone calls, whatever it takes to get this out there and make it become mass knowledge. WE should do this so KFC learns the lesson that their restaurants should always have managers on duty. Always.

At least a shift lead. Someone who is making enough money and who has enough personal responsibility that they would not let this happen.

Because this just plain shouldn’t happen. The fact that it popped into someone’s head perplexes me to no end and to think that one of the chicks tries on a seductive face in the picture?! Look, little girlie, if you bathe with the Colonel, I know I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near you sexually (though you may smell AMAZING). That’s faulty logic on her part.

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