Friday, March 13, 2009

If I Could Turn Back Time

I'm sure you've thought "if only I could go back in time and tell myself this or that," right? It's natural.

I often think about it and say things like if I could go back in time I wouldn't have wasted so much time and energy on a girlfriend who didn't deserve it. I would have told myself to pay attention in college so I would have had more options than just joining the military. I would have told myself that if I COULDN'T pay attention in school to save some money and not buy DVD's so I could mail clothes and whatnot to Arizona where we fled to after college because the car we drove was full and I had to trade an amp that I liked for an amp that I didn't.

I traded a Mesa Boogie 2X12 cab and a Marshall head for a Marshall combo that was wired wrong and didn't sound all that great BUT it was smaller and therefore OK for the trade.

That was a bad move. The head wasn't go great but I really wish I had that cab.

Anyway, I would have told myself to move away from home much earlier and spare myself a lot of grief. I would have told myself to work more and save some money to buy some quality stuff (again, don't buy DVD's Past Russ. They'll only sit on the shelf) that I would use.

I also would have told myself that even though I have this potential to go back in time and warn against things, that it is probably those things that make my life what it is and frankly, I like my life a lot.

I had to foolishly dedicate myself to a girl who didn't like me for anything more than a security blanket so that I could feel the gut-wrenching pain of the breakup. I had to, so when I met my wife I could make a conscious decision about just what exactly it is I'm giving her. It's awfully tough to give someone the potential to break your heart knowing how bad it hurts. Falling in love the first time is easy.

I had to work a horrible job or I wouldn't have met my wife. I had to drop out of college or I wouldn't have moved to Arizona or joined the military and honestly the military isn't so bad especially in these days. Sure, there are some hiccups and wrinkles, but I challenge you to find a job that doesn't have those.

Honestly, if given the opportunity to go back in time and warn myself about things, I wouldn't change anything major. I definitely wouldn't amass a collection of DVDs and I wouldn't have sold or traded some of my gear. Sometimes I really miss my LTD Explorer (the lawsuit version) and the lack of having a 2X12 cab is the lack of having more amps. It's frustrating.

But other than that, I'd leave myself alone.

I wouldn't want to change then's future or what is the current time.

I just hope the rest of life is like that.

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