Monday, March 16, 2009

Space Saver Bags

Whenever I see ads on TV I almost immediately say to myself that no matter how great the product looks, it's bound to be crap. That's how I was raised.

The more I have experiences with products that were advertised on TV though, the more I doubt that idea.

Sham-Wow. They do make a very handy bathroom mat to soak up the dripping water, and they make an even better spill picker-upper. Annie spilled water all over the carpet and it was picked up in a jiffy. Now true, it was just water so it's not like I'm vouching for its ability to pick up stains too, but still. That one spill probably saved me half a roll of paper towels.

And now the Space Saver bags.

You've probably seen these. Huge plastic bags you stuff your clothes or belongings into and then you close the bag and attach a vaccuum's hose to it and suck out all the air. It compresses the clothes and you're left with something that doesn't take up much space at all.

I personally use them for packing on long trips as it cuts down on the bulk of the bag I'm packing but I can see using them for bedding at home. I really like flannel sheets in the winter time so those can be stored in the bag along with the comforter and the other parts of the set (because I'm sure there's a set) for as long as I like and then when the time comes I can just pull it out, unzip it and everything pops back up. It's crazy!

So if you need a little more storage, give these bags a shot. I think they're pretty cool.

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