Sunday, December 27, 2009

Funny Story

We all decided we were going to go to Target one day and because of what we were buying (mainly large totes) we needed two carts so perhaps to the casual observer, I (who was pushing the cart filled with stuff) was chatting up a single mother. We both got in line and Kim bought something or other and I was behind her unloading the totes onto the conveyor belt.

The cashier's name was Adam. He's easy to remember. He has a mop for a hairstyle that mushrooms out from his head and a goofy look on his face all the time like he's in a curious limbo between being congested to the point of mouth breathing constantly and being in a state of total awe of the world around him. And his name is Adam.

Anyway, Kim's in front of me and he Adam says to her something like "hey, what's up?" and looks at me and I said "How's it going, Adam?"

Kim thinks this is a weird habit of mine but if you know someone's name, go ahead and use it, right?

Well, Kim says "It's really weird that you do that."

Adam looks at her and leans in a bit and says "I know. I totally don't even know that guy!"

This was around the time that my totes roll up to the front of the belt and Adam looks at me and I say "this too," because he had begun to close out the transaction. He looked at Kim like "WTF?" and she said "yeah, that too."

Then the realization that we're together spread across his teenage stoner-looking face. You could almost hear him curse to himself.

I thought it was hilarious.

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