Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blue Monday #1

Wearing blues on Monday sucks. It just does. They’re uncomfortable and you never have a pen. Well, almost never. As a flyer, I keep my pens on my sleeve in handy pen pockets. They are always there. If you do not have pens in those pockets, you fail as a flyer. That’s like not bringing beer to a check ride.

On Monday though, those pens are still in your flight suit and you are in your blues. Your itchy, non-breathing blues. It sucks getting into them anyway but that first time when you need to write/sign something and reach for your pen only to realize it’s at home is a horrible moment.

Because since everyone keeps pens ON them, there are NO pens in the office. They have a way of growing legs if you know what I mean. Several people I know label their pens “Stolen from XXXXXX.”

Today though, was especially sweet because it was starting to rain on my way out to the car. I’m not worried about a little rain though it’s obvious it’s a great idea to get the raincoat out and hang it up to get the wrinkles out. And buy some new rank for it (it still has one stripe after all while I have three).

I got to work and the rain had slowed from drizzle to nothing and went in unscathed. However I went in the wrong door and entered oven by mistake. Apparently the air conditioning for the building broke over the weekend and it didn’t send out an alert to someone to come fix it. Instead the ever growing volume of complaints from flyers (who like to complain anyway) that are wearing blues (so they’re already in a bad mood) apparently woke up someone and a repairman was sent out.

I wanted to get out of the office though and a suggestion was brought to me that a group of us should go out to Target and buy soda for the squadron bar.


No problem.

The A/C sure was nice in the car. And in Target. And back in the car. But then an idea came to me that all this soda would need to be brought up to the second floor and put in the fridge in the bar that is now fittingly a Furnace (it’s called the Furnace officially, by the way).

And yeah, it sucked all right. I was there, loading up all these sodas into the fridge sweating through my blues thinking that life is pretty awful right now. After a while though, it was done.

I was on my way back to my office and someone popped up from NOWHERE and said that I looked like I was really hot. I was. Well, he needed help unloading his car because he had a similar idea and went to get food for the bar. So back downstairs, get the food, bring it upstairs and load it up.

On the way to lunch the A/C was pushed to the max on unsympathetic passengers.


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