Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Annie decided to wake up at four in the morning today. I wasn't so worried. She'll eventuall go back to sleep I said. Except she wasn't doing what she normally does when she wakes up which is talk to herself, playing with the assorted dolls in her crib. There was some consitsant banging which may or may not be coming from her room (certainly was coming over the monitor though) and Kim was getting worried. What if she was choking, her neck wrapped by a five inch cord tethering a magnetic pen to a magnadoodle. Maybe someone was trying to break the window to kidnap her.

Well, like I said I wasn't worried, but I did what any good husband would and went to check on her.

To say she was awake was an understatement.

She was AWAKE.

She popped up when I opened the door and insisted on me picking her up and I figured that since Mommy was so worried about her, I should bring her in to our room so she can see her with her own eyes.

I did and Annie bounced around on our bed until Kim got sick enough of her constant moving at 4 in the morning that she picked her up and put her to bed in the most soothing possible way which just pissed Annie off and she screamed bloody murder. Then, within minutes, she quieted down again and went back to drawing on her magna doodle (which is one of the greatest inventions ever) before going back to sleep.

The morning is starting off well.

I will say a shining moment so far is that Kim updated the iTunes account and I bought two apps, a countdown app because I need to know stuff like that, and a post card app where I can take pictures and send them in a "post card" complete with message and fake stamp. I'm pretty excited about them.

I was thinking about getting the famous fourtrack app but it's ten bucks and I want to try something out first which is just using the voice memo feature. It isn't four tracks, but I may like it just as much.

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