Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Man, what an opportune/inopportune time for Kim to have a baby!

I mean, I guessed the baby would come closer to the 23rd, Kim said SHE thought the baby would come closer to the 3rd. There’s money on who’s date is closest (both post and past, not Price is Right rules). And I feel… I feel like I need a break from work.

Let me clarify: I don’t think I need a BREAK, because looking after a two year old while going back and forth to the hospital to check on Kim and see the new baby and make sure everything is fine on two, maybe three fronts if work decides to get in my business, that’s not a break.

But the AF is absolutely amazing when it comes to family time and I doubt they would do anything more than come over to visit, see the baby, make sure everything is fine, that kind of thing. It’s pretty awesome that the boss would do that, by the way.

However, I am sick. Annie is sick. I’m not lying on the floor dying, but I am sick and I wonder if the doc would say “you stay back. I don’t need your baby to come out only to get a cold and die.”

If that could happen, I mean.

Yesterday a co worker who I look up to had his going-away lunch. I feel wicked bad but I couldn’t go. I was tied up at work. How lame of an excuse is that? Well, it happened anyway. So I felt bad and went to the BX where they have greeting cards and they were all sold out of going-away cards. What a bummer. So I ended up getting a blank card and writing a note.

I feel pretty bad that he’s going away, honestly. There are so few people in the world and in the military in particular that are smart and compassionate and professional. He’s what I want to end up being in the military.

So anyway, I went home and wrote the note as I’m eating a delicious peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich and Kim is looking at me kind of smiling and she says she thinks she’s going into labor but she doesn’t know for sure. She thinks she’s going into back labor. I had never heard the term, but apparently you can have wicked pain in your back that blocks the knowledge of contractions and when they come and go. How about that? The back is a curious thing though what with all the nerves clustered at the base. When you have a kidney stone, you have absolutely no idea what’s wrong with you because EVERYTHING seems to be wrong with you. You think you need to pee, to poop, the stand up, lie down, sit up, walk, stop. Nothing helps and in the end the pain that can show up in places like your stomach, your side (obviously your side), your genitals, all of that pain can build up to such agony that you say OK! Nuts to this, I’M going to the hospital.

So I didn’t doubt that she was in labor. To be fair she did say she wasn’t sure. I called work who gave me the rest of the day off just in case and after Annie went down for a nap, Kim relaxed and the pain went away. So we figured we would try to induce with a walk. Kim wanted to walk in the AC so we walked through Home Deopt a couple of times and then took Annie to a park and nothing happened.

I don’t feel bad that nothing happened though, I’m just excited to get this ball rolling and get Kim in the hospital, the baby out, and Kim and the baby back in the house separately.

Anyhoo, that was MY day.


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