Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I know you want to know. May was a record month for the 5th Fret. I have been accepted by Guitar World on their blips page which isn't THAT big of an honor but one more place that my blog can be read giving me a wider audience and probably GW some more money in some way. I don't mind.

Because of this GW thing I was able to join a forum of blog writers where I'm learning all sorts of stuff like their monthly numbers and let me say right now, I'm pretty sure I'm the lowest number-getting person there. I don't beat myself up about it though because if you look at my numbers, so long as I'm posting, the numbers are going up.

There was that time when I deployed where the numbers did go down, fairly steadily while I was gone but then I came back early May, started blogging as soon as I could and the numbers went past the previous record of 1,1XX (x=something I can't remember) to 2,0XX. The website was visited over 2,000 times in May. And that seems so small written out, I know, but honestly, when I started writing, I was happy that over 100 people came to visit. So there's progress being made, the numbers are going up, I think my writing is improving and there are even guest contributions about cool stuff I happened upon, one of them scheduled to come out on the 12th has an incredibly well-written article to go along with his amazing pictures.

I'm proud.

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