Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I apologize for not writing recently. I’ve been obsessed with keeping the maps updated and on the front page. That’s my fault. And I’m sorry.

But hey! I have news!

I bought an iPhone. I’m pretty freaking stoked about it though I do have SOME minor complaints, like how in the office it makes for an awful iPod. After a little while the iPhone locks so when a song comes on that you aren’t in the mood to listen to, you have to unlock the iPhone, select iPod if you’ve gone to any other screen and then press next track. Good thing I have an actual iPod.

Anyhoo, I love my iPhone. I have a Facebook app and a Myspace app though honestly I’m on Facebook much more. Facebook just seems to have more friends though I really wish everyone in the world would log onto one system and keep everything updated like maiden names, schools you attended, etc. etc. That way I could find anyone I’m after.

Ah, but that’s the crux of the matter, eh? Enticing people to go to a different social networking site? Look at Virb. I haven’t heard anything on Virb’s front, but when I was on it, it was very very slow. Almost dead...

I’m ALSO very excited to have my iPhone because I plan to get a blogging app so I can update the blog when Kim goes the hospital to have our next child, a baby boy.

I’m hoping it works out and I can add pictures directly from my phone AND type in landscape mode (it’s the only way to go, really) so I can keep everyone updated on what’s happening.

I know you’ll be just as anxious as I will be.:-)

Should be good stuff!

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