Monday, June 1, 2009

One Of THOSE Days

So, in a nutshell, I came back from a deployment to the desert and got a ton of stuff done with not that many breaks. It isn't a big deal.

But then we moved.

When we moved we didn't feel like paying the movers an arm and a leg to move EVERYTHING wanting them to focus instead on the furniture or heavy things (like boxes of books). They'd take apart the beds, crib, dresser, etc. and put them back together at the house. It makes sense to us to move like this because I think my time and energy is worth the money I paid these guys. I don't want to lift that crazy stuff.

The apartment was not done the day we moved (Tuesday) so we worked on it, section by section until it was done (yesterday). We tackled Annie's room, bathroom and the porch, then we tackled the master bedroom, closet, and bathroom which took all day (the closet took all day and it was my fault), then we did a hallway, the kitchen, the dining room and living room. It SUCKED to sit down last night, WICKED tired from all this work, work that just spread out all over the place and think to myself, NOW I get to go to work.

I'm not excited.

But at least I'll be in a different office, so there's good news.

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