Tuesday, June 16, 2009


2009 is the year of activity for me. I want to see just how much stuff I can do before the year is up and so far I think I'm doing pretty good. I've read something like 25 books, written over 50 blogs for the 5th Fret, took three pretty challenging professional tests, took something like 13 CLEPs out in the desert (they're free for the military to take, by the way, so you take them and if you fail you just try again in six months) and I'm only six credit hours away from my associates.

Now, a little tangent. I fully realize how sad it is that I graduated in 2002 and here in 2009 am planning on finishing my FIRST degree. That's seven years for a two year degree. Yeah, I don't feel so great about that. But rather than let it beat me down and give up altogether because it's just easier to say you never went to college or you could do it if you weren't so damn busy, I'm not playing that game, at least this year. Besides, it's still kind of a big thing and at the core, it's something to be proud of. I THINK - I'm pretty sure - that I'll be the first person to get a degree higher than a high school diploma or a technical degree. I'm pretty excited about it, but I'm even more excited to get started on my bachelors.

Anyhoo, back to the activity. I moved, I took my Staff Sergeant test, and (don't say this too loud) I don't think I did TOO bad on it so let's hope the cut off score is really low and everyone else was sick or distracted when they took it so I can be really high and get my stripe soon.

For those in the know, making Staff is a big deal. My dad retired as an E-5 in the Navy (which is a petty-officer 2nd class, but in the AF is Staff Sergeant) after being in the Navy for 20 (I wish I could capitalize numbers) years. Here I am, I've been in for a little over four years now, and I've taken the test once and missed the cut off score so I'm hoping to get my stripe before my fifth year mark and start working on E-6. While I wouldn't be happy at ALL retiring as an E-6, I could at least know I did one better than dad. And if I make it to E-8 (one step away from E-9, the highest you can go) I will have made it past my father in law.

Of COURSE let's not forget the baby that's on the way. That'll be quite the hash mark on the "things done" list.

Tons of stuff and I'm trying not to be lazy about it. I'm pretty excited.

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