Saturday, November 1, 2008

So, The End Of The World Is Here...

In middle Georgia today it was as if everyone was having their home bug bombed and they had to get out and about and honestly, what do you do in that situation? You shop, or drive around, go out to eat, and basically take up space.

A ton of space was being taken up today. It was as if the world was going to end so everyone was trying to get rid of their money before they died.

It was like it was about noon on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). Most of the sales had already happened and now everyone was just meandering around. Personally, my goal on Black Friday is to be home by 10:00 AM. None of this stay out all day crap. The day is long and when it starts at 3:00 in the morning it's even longer.

Anyway, it was nuts the amount of cars and people out today, all with this crazy gleam in their eye that left both Kim and me wondering exactly what we're missing about today? What is it about 1Nov2008 that has everyone acting like madmen?

It was nuts, there's not other word for it.

And in other news, today is the first day of some crazy challenge of posting a blog every day. I know this is probably easy for the stay at home parents or those that lack jobs, but it might be a bit of a challenge for me. I think I'm up to it though. And if I make it all the way to the end, I'll get a useless picture to post on my page letting everyone know just how often I'm posting on the computer.:-)

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