Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Weight Watchers

I am back on weight watchers. It's fun this time. Dieting may not SOUND fun but like everything else in life, if you incorporate it with something you like, you'll probably enjoy it a ton more. Like putting a dog's medicine in peanut butter.

And my thing is gadgets. I love them. I downloaded an app for my phone which keeps track of how many points I've eaten per day, has a calculator to figure out points and a favorites list so I don't have to keep inputting the same stuff.

Taking a tip from a review, everything I eat I favorite so eventually everything will be in there. So when someone says let's go to lunch I can ask where and if I've been there, I already have the information and I can say what I want before we even leave. It's awesome.

If I have not eaten there yet, no biggie, I also have an app with nutritional information from a ton of restaurants.

No more having to keep a slide rule with point conversions. No more having to keep a notepad to write in (and then forget to bring with you so lunch doesn't count today).

One makes dieting easy and it keeps me on track and the other makes it possible to make informed decisions, even on the go.

So I started at 171.6 lbs. I'll keep you posted on losses or gains hopefully.

By the way, if anyone out there has an iPod and Nike+, there's a 10K on October 24th at any time of the day. I'll probably be pushing an umbrella stroller with Annie in it, but that's fine. This will be my first 10K. I'm SUPER excited!


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