Friday, October 23, 2009

The Annoying Guy

You know what annoys the crap out me? Return characters that are bad. This applies to both TV, movies and real life, by the way. I hate it when some douche is in your life for some reason or another, then they leave and they're gone for so long that you let out that breath you never realized you were holding. Ah, a rush of relief.

But then that same person comes back in and you just want to scream at him that you were fine without them here. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" You want to ask. "GET OUT! DON'T COME BACK! LIFE WAS MUCH BETTER WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR INPUT!"

I swear to god it's a like a stray dog you feed once.

So you ignore it and hope it goes away and eventually it does but then some stupid friend of yours drops half of a burger at a BBQ and doesn't clean it up enough and guess who comes back?

It's miserable.

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