Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Talk About Light!

I'm in ALS right now. That stands for Airman Leadership School. It's where you go to learn how to be a supervisor and man is it fun. They pack a ton of education, speeches, papers, formulated writing, PT AND homework into a measly amount of time and it is NOT a good time at all.

But it's incredibly beneficial. See, I'm learning a lot, it's just a painful learning process. It doesn't help when there are those unavoidable stressors given to you by family or work but hey, you roll with the punches.

Tonight I was working on my very last brief for the class and then after that I worked on my last two written assignments for the class. In one night I have taken care of three of the six graded assignments and on one hand you would rather have your work, especially GRADED work, to be spread out, but on the other hand, if you knock half of your graded assignments out in one night, what more do you have to worry about?

It's relief.

And it's something else: it's the sign of the end of the time in class. I still have more to be graded on and more time in the class BUT with so much knocked out in one night I feel good.


I feel good.

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