Monday, January 5, 2009

Um... Hello? Is Anyone Here?

You bet someone's here, come on in and settle down. Kick your feet up, take a load off. Let the stress of the day melt away through your eyes as you read my blog and think to yourself "what an interesting fellow."

While you're here, be sure to show support by clicking the ads in the upper left.

I know some of you out there are anxious for me to get back into the adventures I've been getting myself into BUT you'll have to wait just a bit longer. I just wanted to come on here and say that I hope you had a very happy holiday season and I hope you received everything you wanted. I also hope you gave if you were able. We're not exactly swimming in cash (hence the AdSense ads in the upper left but when we're able we give our change to Salvation Army and donate Annie's hand me downs to other families.

Ah, but I digress. My point here is that I hope you had a great time and don't worry, more blogs will come. I made a New Year's Resolution and that will be the very first blog to go up and it'll explain everything. Rest assured, I aim to keep you the reader consistently entertained regardless of what I may be up to.

Anyhoo, be sure to check back. Once the blogs start coming, I don't see much of a stop in sight.

Have a great day, everyone.

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