Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothing Beats A Good Haircut

While being in the military means I HAVE to have a haircut that meets Air Force standards, it doesn't mean I have to mind. I will say, that sometimes I really wish I could grow my hair out. The threat of baldness in the future instills a very strong "use it or lose it" mentality but because I'm so awesome, I keep my hair within standards while trying to still let my personality through via my hair.

This sounds weird.

Anyway, getting a haircut feels great. It's basically like a head massage and you walk out with your head all tingly, really it's one of the cheapest feel-good methods out there.

When I was a civilian I was usually too broke to get haircuts (but had enough for comic books most of the time) but I was always torn between growing my hair out and getting it cut. Short hair requires less effort and upkeep, something I really like, but longer hair looks better.

Meh, I really like walking out of the barber's with a good haircut. It's a pleasant experience that I've never grown tired of.

Just thought I'd share that with you, the reader.

I bet you're thinking I just wasted your time, huh?

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