Thursday, January 22, 2009

Number of Readers Going Down, Down, Down

You heard it right folks, the level of readers coming in per day is dropping steadily to the point where I am in the single digits right now.

That’s nine or less different computers viewing my blog per day.

You’d think this would hurt my feelings, like maybe my blog isn’t worth reading. I don’t though. I think it’s a good thing.

Let me clarify: I like the fact that people come and read my blog. It makes me feel good, like I’m standing on my soapbox and the immediate area is not completely deserted. Imagine that sad mental image, a guy standing all alone in a city square, a town crier if you will, and the streets are still. No life moving. Maybe some leaves blowing through. That’s sad.

But I am NOT sad. Not at all actually. I wrote two blogs a long time ago, one talking about guitar giveaways and one talking about the Mortal Kombat VS DC Comics game and they seemed to be immensely popular, but whether it was because of content or because they came in from a Google image search, I’ll never know. It’s not like they left comments.

Day after day I’d see people coming in from Google searches for those two specific things and while it felt pretty good that I wrote something that maybe these people were enjoying reading, I’ve written a lot more than just that and not to sound like a douche, but what about everything else? It made me feel worse knowing that people were Googling “guitar giveaways” and looking at my blog maybe because they thought they could enter for a free guitar than it does to have my reader number drop below the TEN mark.

Now I get the feeling that people coming to the blog are actually reading my blog posts and are maybe enjoying it.

And this makes me feel pretty good.

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