Friday, September 19, 2008

Guitar Giveaways

I'm a fan of Slipknot. I'd say I'm one of two people I know that actually enjoys the band. They're too heavy for most of the people I hang out with.

While deployed I saw that they were giving away Jim Root's entire rig (save amp) and I was impressed. This is a Fender Jim Root Tele, strings, and I think five pedals. Kudos to whoever won it. I registered but I guess I wasn't picked.

And while I want the Jim Root tele for metal madness and pedals to have, to try out, (at least two of them would have stuck around) I was more impressed by the size of the giveaway and the fact that this is probably what he really uses. The only way they seemed to pull any punches was by not including his amp, and Orange Rockerverb, but maybe that has more to do with Orange than Slipknot.

By the way, the Orange Rockerverb is a great amp for metal. I think the gain rivals Mesa Boogie and sounds more... alive. It has more soul. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I was looking for a metal amp. I tried one out in Tucson and I thought it was going to blow up but I think that might have been my fault. Maybe I plugged it into the wrong cab. I did feel like it was going to blow up and I was literally going to die though.
Anyway, I saw Guitar World is giving away Mick Thompson's set up now, too, except... there are more pulled punches. You get his signature guitar, but you get the cheap version, not the version he would actually use. You get a pair of pickups (because you'll need to swap out the ones in his cheaper sig for ones he actually uses), a strobe tuner (not the one that was in his rack which looked like a Boss Chromatic and you get his amp CABINET but not the actual amp. No pedals.
That sounds like that's not his rig at all.

But even so, it's way better than the usual "we had them sign this Squier Strat so you can win it!" deal.

So kudos for the effort. but if you're going to go all out, go all out.

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