Monday, November 2, 2009

Post #1

Well, it seems that I've missed day one of Noblopomo this year so... dangit. BUT I figured I'll do it anyway and extend to December 1st. I think that's fair.

So what's new in Kid Land? Annie moved to a big girl bed last night. We had to move the nightlight she's used to which is a brass turtle with light-up shell (very cool) because it was just too obvious that there was a plug attached. This might mean that she would follow the cord to the wall and pull out the plug. I'm not worried about her pulling the plug or putting her fingers in the holes afterward but perhaps completing the circuit with the plug halfway out and electrocuting herself... yeah, that crossed my mind.

But after the initial meltdown of not being in the familiar crib, she calmed down and actually slept pretty good. I hear she even had a great nap today.

In Adam news, Adam has a misshaped head. We were a little worried about it, and the pediatrician referred us to a shaping doctor (I think they're called "orthontists") who said that it's purely cosmetic and it isn't impacting his brain at all and the unevenness would probably work itself out as he grew BUT that didn't stop him from doing scans and seeing just how much is wrong with his head.

Now, an interjection. My kid is not Quasimodo or anything. He looks fine but we noticed that in the back of his head he has a flat spot.

Anyway, he said he wanted Adam to wear a helmet and work up to wearing it for 23 hours a day for an indeterminate amount of time.

Tricare does not cover the helmet. The nurses said it was because Tricare considers the helmet to be... optional. Whether that's true or not is beyond me. The helmet costs 2,100.00 and THAT means that Adam is going to have to develop a good personality because we just can't pay for that. He'll get dates, no worries though. He's got eyes that will probably attract the chicks like moths to a flame.

Meanwhile for me, it was supposed to be back to the grind today but between having to take Adam to the doc and having to do some currency things, I was just unable to do any work.

Tomorrow though...

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