Friday, August 29, 2008

While Others Are Enjoying Life

I'm merely thinking about today and the weekend. Today will be a busy, busy day but I think my morale will be high since, while on my most recent TDY I had a name patch made that has my name, rank, wings and Dark Wing Duck on it. How awesome is that? Not old enough for people to say "who?" but old enough that people will be pleasantly shocked to see him. That's pretty great. I hope I can go the whole day without getting told to take it off.

Anyway, today will be crammed FULL of stuff for me to do, or at least hope to do, but since our side of the base does not have today off and the OTHER side of base does, my capabilities will be limited. I envy the folks who don't have to worry about this. I have to get as much of this done as possible today because I'll be off next week. I try to do this every time there's a four day weekend. You pay three days of leave for the three days you would have had to go back to work but you end up with nine days off. That's just being practical.

During this week I aim to consolidate my knick knackery I've collected over the years and trash the rest, then finally get all of my comic books catalogued and the list posted in a couple of places, but a friend of mine gets first pick. Anyway, I hope to sell them all, either privately or as a last resort, through eBay.

Ebay's such a bastard though. I tried to sell some comics on it a few years ago and there were no takers. I think it was because they weren't mainstream enough. Anyway, those are my goals for the week.

I'll be back on soon, but without any pictures from my computer (sorry).

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