Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Whole Conquer Thing

I'm pretty proud of how many people are reading the 5th Fret and where those people are from. There's a ton of people in the US reading and there's quite a few in Europe (it started out with more visitors in Europe than the States) and I've been looking at visitor maps for a while and the site I use only keeps so much of a log.

Well, I wanted to see just how much of the world the blog has been read by so I started cataloging them and you can now see what's going on. As I was putting it together I thought that I'd like to share that with YOU so you can see. The little blog that is making its way into more and more homes and I'm so incredibly proud of it, I don't really know what to say. This is the first time in my life I've ever made something that people are reacting to positively (or at least not sending me angry or disappointed emails), something I started from scratch and with the help of my excellent writer friends, has become accepted in a few circles, acquired quite a few hits, and the longer it goes on the more I feel like I'm part of this thing I love so much - the guitar.

So I apologize if I seem a little proud or gushy but this is the first time anything like this has happened to me and I'm so stoked that it's grown to what it is and hope it will keep growing.

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