Thursday, December 11, 2008


To everyone I say the following:

Do not give up on the residents of Warner Robins, Georgia for I have seen evidence that would indicate what no one ever thought would be seen.


Yes folks, I said progress. I was driving how from work and saw a gentleman standing next to the road, not trying to cross it, not timing out his frogger-like trek across the FIVE LANE road, just standing there. Then I was stopped at a light and the cross walk light changed and the gentleman crossed the road.


Oh MAN! Can you believe how big this is? I have been here since 2005 and this is the FIRST time I've seen ANYONE wait until the light changed to cross the street let alone cross it IN a crosswalk and stay INSIDE the lines.

Oh MAN! PROGRESS! Soon everyone will be doing this and less people will wear cammo and then building can be built and it can be properly called a City.

Yay Warner Robins! Kudos!

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